Funky Foodies Family & Friends

Frankie & Fern don't go it alone! You'll meet a swell bunch of characters who'll (mostly) support the Funky Foodies mission, even one who's a Funky Foodies newbie! There's one who's always hungry, one who wears high heels, one who tells corny dad jokes, and one who tries to undermine the Funky Foodies' plans. Can you guess who's who? Hmmm.... 


Meet the newest Funky Foodie, Zara, a super savvy and kewl skateboarder from the City who visits her Auntie A in Moretown while her parents are off doing volunteer work. Her not-so-secret talent: crashing the cymbals. Zara's Fave Snack: Bananas dipped in peanut butter, a trick she can perform one-handed while shredding on her board!


You'll find Fern's mom, Glow,  serving up free meals, along with plenty of free advice, to the Funky Foodies at the Greasy Spoon diner. Her vast vocabulary of fast food lingo is enough to fill a diner dictionary! She's starting her very own organic garden behind the diner, thanks to the Funky Foodies. Glow's Fave Snack: Eve with a Lid (that's diner talk for Apple Pie!)

Dr. Beaker

The world is one gigantic petri dish, according to Frankie & Fern's fave science teacher, Dr. Beaker. He's a big Funky Foodies supporter, since he knows how Frankie & Fern's missions get kids pumped up about environmental science! Name your topic. He can talk forever about volcanos and anatomy and bugs and fungi. Dr. Beaker's Fave Snack: Lava Cake (of course!)


Frankie's little brother, Izzy, can be super annoying, especially when he plays his new slide whistle, but at the same time, he's a fun little squirt. When he's not stuck up in a tree or feeding his bottomless pit of a stomach, that is. Izzy's super proud to be the very first Junior Funky Foodies in kindergarten! Izzy's Fave Snack: Bananas Smeared with (crunchy) Peanut Butter!

Henry Highhorse

Frankie & Fern's first meeting happened because of Henry Highhorse's wise cracks- so at least they have him to thank for the start of their friendship. But, other than that... well, you'll need to listen up to hear about his never-ending  shenanigans! Henry's Fave Snack: Gummy Worms! (the sour green ones, to match his personality!)